Imitation is the sincerest of flattery
Things to keep in mind if you're travelling to Sri Lanka in 2022
A Trip to Strengthen Your Roots - Why you should visit North Sri Lanka
An Introduction To The 7 Chakras
10 Lessons I learnt in the past year
Loosen up your fist, just a little
Turning Sarees into Fast Fashion – Urban Silks
The best advice I received
Where does my motivation come from?
Give yourself that pep talk you need
Living life on your own terms
Behind The Scenes of a Designer
Are we afraid of being happy?
Ancient Tamil Medicinal practices to cure COVID-19?
The root cause of our fear-based mentality
Seeing the world through the eyes of a child - The effects of body shaming
Perks of being an outcast
Your happiness lies in your childhood interests
You are who you've been looking for
Strengthening Our Roots in Farming